14 research outputs found

    Online privacy: overview and preliminary research

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    Over the last decade using the Internet for online shopping, information browsing and searching as well as for online communication has become part of everyday life. Although the Internet technology has a lot of benefits for users, one of the most important disadvantages is related to the increasing capacity for users’ online activity surveillance. However, the users are increasingly becoming aware of online surveillance methods, which results in their increased concern for privacy protection. Numerous factors influence the way in which individuals perceive the level of privacy protection when they are online. This article provides a review of factors that influence the privacy perception of Internet users. Previous online privacy research related to e-business was predominantly focused on the dimension of information privacy and concerned with the way users’ personal information is collected, saved and used by an online company. This article’s main aim is to provide an overview of numerous Internet users’ privacy perception elements across various privacy dimensions as well as their potential categorization. In addition, considering that e-banking and online shopping are one of the most widely used e-services, an examination of online privacy perception of e-banking/online shopping users was performed

    Online privacy: overview and preliminary research

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    Over the last decade using the Internet for online shopping, information browsing and searching as well as for online communication has become part of everyday life. Although the Internet technology has a lot of benefits for users, one of the most important disadvantages is related to the increasing capacity for users’ online activity surveillance. However, the users are increasingly becoming aware of online surveillance methods, which results in their increased concern for privacy protection. Numerous factors influence the way in which individuals perceive the level of privacy protection when they are online. This article provides a review of factors that influence the privacy perception of Internet users. Previous online privacy research related to e-business was predominantly focused on the dimension of information privacy and concerned with the way users’ personal information is collected, saved and used by an online company. This article’s main aim is to provide an overview of numerous Internet users’ privacy perception elements across various privacy dimensions as well as their potential categorization. In addition, considering that e-banking and online shopping are one of the most widely used e-services, an examination of online privacy perception of e-banking/online shopping users was performed


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    We live in the society of World Wide Web, smart mobile devices and social networking, where an individual can be monitored and his current location can be identified. Each of those new-developed technologies are associated with a set of privacy issues. Firstly, those technologies enable people to be monitored and tracked, so various information about specific technology users can be collected. Secondly, collected information about users can be stored, merged and analyzed at any time. Finally, they enable further dissemination and publication in endlessly varied forms. If those technologies are misused many privacy violations can occur. Privacy can be seen as an individual right. Since individuals differ, the definition of privacy as well as the invasion of privacy will mean different things to different people. The aim of empirical research described in this paper was to investigate individual’s attitude toward privacy issues when shopping online and/or when using Internet banking services. Furthermore, we wanted to investigate the relationships between different factors that can influence user’s online privacy perception. The research results have shown that there is a connection between respondents’ privacy perception and their concerns about information that are collected during their online activity. There is also a connection between respondents’ privacy perception and their concerns about how government and current regulations protect their privacy.Živimo u društvu koje karakterizira upotreba World Wide Weba, pametnih mobilnih uređaja i društvenih mreža, gdje pojedinac može biti nadziran te može biti određena njegova trenutna lokacija. Svaku od ovih novorazvijenih tehnogija prate različiti problemi vezani uz privatnost. Prvo, ove tehnologije omogućavaju da pojedinci budu nadzirani i praćeni pa se na taj način može prikupiti puno informacija o korisnicima određene tehnologije. Drugo, tako prikupljene informacije mogu biti pohranjene, kombinirane te analizirane u bilo koje vrijeme. Na kraju, ove tehnologije omogućavaju daljnje širenje i publikaciju informacija u raznim oblicima. Ukoliko se navedene tehnologije zlobupotrijebe može doći do različitih oblika povrede privatnosti korisnika. Privatnost se može definirati kao osnovno ljudsko pravo. Pošto se pojedinci međusobno razlikuju tako se i shvaćanje pojma privatnosti, ali i povrede privatnosti može razlikovati od pojedinca do pojedinca. Cilj empirijskog istraživanja prezentiranog u ovom radu bio je ispitati stavove ispitanika vezano uz pitanja o njihovoj zabrinutosti za privatnost prilikom korištenja usluga kupovanja/plaćanja robe putem Interneta (online kupnje) i/ili Internet bankarstva. Nadalje, željeli smo ispitati odnose između različitih činitelja koji mogu imati utjecaj na korisnikovu percepciju online privatnosti. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da postoji veza između percepcije ispitanika vezano za njegovu online privatnost i njegove zabrinutosti za količinu informacija koje se prikupljaju o njemu prilikom njegove online aktivnosti. Također postoji pozitivna veza ispitanikove percepcije online privatnosti i njegove percepcije postojećih pravnih okvira vezanih uz zaštitu privatnosti osobnih podataka


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    Praćenjem i objedinjavanjem podataka o studentima, njihovom ponašanju u različitim informacijskim sustavima i platformama, sveučilišta prikupljaju puno informacija o studentima. Međutim, korištenje osjetljivih i osobnih podataka o studentima mora za sobom povlačiti i povećanje mjera kojima se osigurava privatnosti studenata, ali i svih ostalih dionika u edukacijskom procesu. Prošle su dvije godine od stupanja na snagu novih pravila o privatnosti koja su definirana Općom uredbom o zaštiti podataka. U ovom članku prikazana je analiza usklađenosti visokih učilišta u Republici Hrvatskoj s načelima zaštite podataka.By monitoring and aggregating data about students, their behavior in different information systems and platforms, the university collects a lot of information about students. However, the use of sensitive and personal data about students must lead to the increase of measures to ensure the privacy of students, but also of all other stakeholders in the educational process. Two years have passed since the entry into force of the new privacy rules defined by the General Data Protection Regulation. This article presents an analysis of the compliance of higher education institutions in the Republic of Croatia with the principles of data protection

    Introducing problem-based learning to undergraduate IT service management course: student satisfaction and work performance

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    This paper describes the implementation of problem-based learning (PBL) principles in an undergraduate IT service management course, followed by the results about student satisfaction and work performance. The results indicate the students’ general satisfaction with the course implementation, as well as some challenges regarding the self-assessment and peer assessment of their work. The findings also reveal the students’ better work performance in project results than in traditional knowledge tests, which reinforces the indications about their positive attitudes towards the interactive PBL environment. The cluster analyses identified seven different patterns in student behaviour regarding course performance. The presented results can be considered a new aspect of the development and amendment of the information and communication technology (ICT) skills requested by future employers. In this regard, the demand for innovation in the education of future ICT professionals arises from the need for experts equipped with both IT and business skills


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    We live in the society of World Wide Web, smart mobile devices and social networking, where an individual can be monitored and his current location can be identified. Each of those new-developed technologies are associated with a set of privacy issues. Firstly, those technologies enable people to be monitored and tracked, so various information about specific technology users can be collected. Secondly, collected information about users can be stored, merged and analyzed at any time. Finally, they enable further dissemination and publication in endlessly varied forms. If those technologies are misused many privacy violations can occur. Privacy can be seen as an individual right. Since individuals differ, the definition of privacy as well as the invasion of privacy will mean different things to different people. The aim of empirical research described in this paper was to investigate individual’s attitude toward privacy issues when shopping online and/or when using Internet banking services. Furthermore, we wanted to investigate the relationships between different factors that can influence user’s online privacy perception. The research results have shown that there is a connection between respondents’ privacy perception and their concerns about information that are collected during their online activity. There is also a connection between respondents’ privacy perception and their concerns about how government and current regulations protect their privacy.Živimo u društvu koje karakterizira upotreba World Wide Weba, pametnih mobilnih uređaja i društvenih mreža, gdje pojedinac može biti nadziran te može biti određena njegova trenutna lokacija. Svaku od ovih novorazvijenih tehnogija prate različiti problemi vezani uz privatnost. Prvo, ove tehnologije omogućavaju da pojedinci budu nadzirani i praćeni pa se na taj način može prikupiti puno informacija o korisnicima određene tehnologije. Drugo, tako prikupljene informacije mogu biti pohranjene, kombinirane te analizirane u bilo koje vrijeme. Na kraju, ove tehnologije omogućavaju daljnje širenje i publikaciju informacija u raznim oblicima. Ukoliko se navedene tehnologije zlobupotrijebe može doći do različitih oblika povrede privatnosti korisnika. Privatnost se može definirati kao osnovno ljudsko pravo. Pošto se pojedinci međusobno razlikuju tako se i shvaćanje pojma privatnosti, ali i povrede privatnosti može razlikovati od pojedinca do pojedinca. Cilj empirijskog istraživanja prezentiranog u ovom radu bio je ispitati stavove ispitanika vezano uz pitanja o njihovoj zabrinutosti za privatnost prilikom korištenja usluga kupovanja/plaćanja robe putem Interneta (online kupnje) i/ili Internet bankarstva. Nadalje, željeli smo ispitati odnose između različitih činitelja koji mogu imati utjecaj na korisnikovu percepciju online privatnosti. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da postoji veza između percepcije ispitanika vezano za njegovu online privatnost i njegove zabrinutosti za količinu informacija koje se prikupljaju o njemu prilikom njegove online aktivnosti. Također postoji pozitivna veza ispitanikove percepcije online privatnosti i njegove percepcije postojećih pravnih okvira vezanih uz zaštitu privatnosti osobnih podataka

    State of the art on ethical, legal, and social issues linked to audio- and videobased AAL solutions

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    Working Group 1. Social responsibility: Ethical, legal, social, data protection and privacy issuesAbstract Ambient assisted living (AAL) technologies are increasingly presented and sold as essential smart additions to daily life and home environments that will radically transform the healthcare and wellness markets of the future. An ethical approach and a thorough understanding of all ethics in surveillance/monitoring architectures are therefore pressing. AAL poses many ethical challenges raising questions that will affect immediate acceptance and long-term usage. Furthermore, ethical issues emerge from social inequalities and their potential exacerbation by AAL, accentuating the existing access gap between high-income countries (HIC) and low and middle-income countries (LMIC). Legal aspects mainly refer to the adherence to existing legal frameworks and cover issues related to product safety, data protection, cybersecurity, intellectual property, and access to data by public, private, and government bodies. Successful privacy-friendly AAL applications are needed, as the pressure to bring Internet of Things (IoT) devices and ones equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) quickly to market cannot overlook the fact that the environments in which AAL will operate are mostly private (e.g., the home). The social issues focus on the impact of AAL technologies before and after their adoption. Future AAL technologies need to consider all aspects of equality such as gender, race, age and social disadvantages and avoid increasing loneliness and isolation among, e.g. older and frail people. Finally, the current power asymmetries between the target and general populations should not be underestimated nor should the discrepant needs and motivations of the target group and those developing and deploying AAL systems. Whilst AAL technologies provide promising solutions for the health and social care challenges, they are not exempt from ethical, legal and social issues (ELSI). A set of ELSI guidelines is needed to integrate these factors at the research and development stage. Keywords Ethical principles, Privacy, Assistive Living Technologies, Privacy by Design, General Data Protection Regulation.publishedVersio

    State of the art on ethical, legal, and social issues linked to audio- and video-based AAL solutions - Uploaded on December 29, 2021

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    Ambient assisted living (AAL) technologies are increasingly presented and sold as essential smart additions to daily life and home environments that will radically transform the healthcare and wellness markets of the future. An ethical approach and a thorough understanding of all ethics in surveillance/monitoring architectures are therefore pressing. AAL poses many ethical challenges raising questions that will affect immediate acceptance and long-term usage. Furthermore, ethical issues emerge from social inequalities and their potential exacerbation by AAL, accentuating the existing access gap between high-income countries (HIC) and low and middle-income countries (LMIC). Legal aspects mainly refer to the adherence to existing legal frameworks and cover issues related to product safety, data protection, cybersecurity, intellectual property, and access to data by public, private, and government bodies. Successful privacy-friendly AAL applications are needed, as the pressure to bring Internet of Things (IoT) devices and ones equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) quickly to market cannot overlook the fact that the environments in which AAL will operate are mostly private (e.g., the home). The social issues focus on the impact of AAL technologies before and after their adoption. Future AAL technologies need to consider all aspects of equality such as gender, race, age and social disadvantages and avoid increasing loneliness and isolation among, e.g. older and frail people. Finally, the current power asymmetries between the target and general populations should not be underestimated nor should the discrepant needs and motivations of the target group and those developing and deploying AAL systems. Whilst AAL technologies provide promising solutions for the health and social care challenges, they are not exempt from ethical, legal and social issues (ELSI). A set of ELSI guidelines is needed to integrate these factors at the research and development stage

    Position paper on ethical, legal and social challenges linked to audio- and video-based AAL solutions

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    This publication is based upon work from COST Action GoodBrother – Network on Privacy-Aware Audio- and VideoBased Applications for Active and Assisted Living, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).In this position paper, we have used Alan Cooper’s persona technique to illustrate the utility of audio- and video-based AAL technologies. Therefore, two primary examples of potential audio- and video-based AAL users, Anna and Irakli, serve as reference points for describing salient ethical, legal and social challenges related to use of AAL. These challenges are presented on three levels: individual, societal, and regulatory. For each challenge, a set of policy recommendations is suggested.publishedVersio

    Position paper on ethical, legal and social challenges linked to audio- and video-based AAL solutions

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    In this position paper, we have used Alan Cooper’s persona technique to illustrate the utility of audio- and video-based AAL technologies. Therefore, two primary examples of potential audio- and video-based AAL users, Anna and Irakli, serve as reference points for describing salient ethical, legal and social challenges related to use of AAL. These challenges are presented on three levels: individual, societal, and regulatory. For each challenge, a set of policy recommendations is suggested